Leader & VO:SMOOTH、VO:ROY、VO:Ryo、Rap & Cho :SHVNYA(Left to Right)
グラミーアーティストBoyz II Menが世界へ紹介した京都発4人組ヴォーカル“パフォーマンス”グループWITHDOM(ウィズダム)。
Da-iCE花村想太氏に「お洒落で上手い」とYouTube生配信で取り上げられ、ヴォーカルグループのパイオニアとして今年デビュー30周年を迎えるゴスペラーズの黒沢 薫氏に「僕らの系譜を受け継ぐヴォーカルグループとして活躍して欲しい」と評され、THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE メンバーの鈴木昂秀氏に「RMPG DOPE STATION」番組内でレコメンド曲として紹介されるなど、国内外のアーティストから評価の高いWITHDOM。
個々の個性が光るSMOOTH、ROY、RyoのヴォーカリストとハモれるラッパーSHVNYAの4声によるヴォーカル・コーラスワークが他のヴォーカルグループと一線を画す。2024年1月27日にZepp Nambaで開催されたワンマンライヴ「STARDOM」は大盛況で終了。
結成7周年を記念したツアー「7th Anniversary Tour LUCKY7」の6月1日開催Tour Final 東京duo MUSIC EXCHANGE公演では 多くの観客を歌とパフォーマンスで魅了。ゲストシンガーとして迎えた黒沢 薫(ゴスペラーズ)氏と夢のステージ共演を果たすと共に、ゲストセッションでも彼らの歌唱力を存分に発揮し、その存在感、実力を示した。
2023年、2024年と京セラドーム大阪でのオリックス・バファローズ 試合前セレモニー国歌斉唱に抜擢されるなど、次世代を担うヴォーカルグループとしての活躍が期待されている。
2024年7月に全国各地で開催の野外フェス「JIM BEAM SUMMER FES 2024 in NIIGATA」に出演、9月15日にフルバンドライヴの「-PREMIUM LIVE- SUITS vol.14」をBillboard Live OSAKAで開催、そして2025年2月23日にZepp Shinjukuでのワンマンライヴ開催を発表するなど、2024年、更なる飛躍が注目されているヴォーカルグループ。
2020年4月CD発売の『華ノ音(カノン)』はオリコンアルバムデイリーチャート8位を獲得。2021年リリースデジタルアルバム『Synergy』収録楽曲はiTunes Storeで合計 18部門で1位を獲得。『Synergy』に収録の「嫌い」MVには人気俳優の小越勇輝氏が出演し、大阪アミューズメント専門学校アニメーション学科とコラボし制作した「嫌い」アニメーションMVも話題となる。
2022年11月7日出発式式典発表の、大阪・関西万博オリジナルデザイン大阪モノレール株式会社ラッピング列車「EXPO TRAIN 2025 大阪モノレール号」イメージソング「We are」に歌唱参加し、SMOOTHが作詞を担当。また、大阪在住の中国、台湾、韓国、ベトナム、マレーシア、インド、ポーランド、ペルーなど世界各国から一般の参加者も合唱参加し、世界中が一つになるコンセプトや詞が、吉村大阪府知事に高く評価された。
2023年3月22日リリースアルバム「5:8」に収録の「Blue」がAbemaTVのCMに、「Goodbye」がTuneCore Japanの“Independent AF”CP CMに起用される。
2023年7月King Gnu、YOASOBI、ORIGINAL LOVE、松任谷由実、杏里、山下達郎などの公式カバーを収録の公式カバーアルバム「Somesing else」をリリース。YOASOBI「群青」や山下達郎の「RIDE ON TIME」公式カバーはブラジル、タイ、インドネシア、アメリカ、メキシコ、フランスなど世界十数ヶ国のWebニュースに掲載され、インドネシア・スラバヤのFM局「DJFM」のJ-POPパワープレイに「RIDE ON TIME」やオリジナル曲「Tetris」「Trippin’ on you」「Universe」が選ばれ、J-POP週間チャート最高2位を獲得した。
海外での評価も高いWITHDOMの楽曲は、「Escape」「Without you」「コトノハ」など国内外でロングヒットしており、2023年リリース楽曲や2024年12ヶ月連続デジタルシングルが軒並み各サイト公式Playlistにセレクトされている。
ゴスペラーズ 黒沢 薫氏作曲&ヴォーカルプロデュースの2024年3月26日リリース結成7周年記念シングル「All my life」を2024年3月29日放送の日本テレビ系列「バズリズム02」で自身初となる地上波全国放送音楽番組スタジオライブ歌唱出演し大きな反響を呼ぶ。
ライヴも高く評価されており、2024年1月27日開催の、自身初となるZepp Nambaでのワンマンライブ「STARDOM」はSOLD OUTで大盛況で幕を閉じ、2024年3月から結成7周年記念ツアーを開催。ツアーファイナル東京duo MUSIC EXCHANGE公演で黒沢 薫氏をゲストシンガーに迎え「ミモザ」「On Bended Knee」、「Trippin’ on you」をセッションした。ツアーファイナルで魅せた彼らの高い歌唱力やステージパフォーマンスは絶賛された。
SMOOTH (Leader,Vo) Birth : 8/10
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Rap & Cho :SHVNYA、Leader & VO:SMOOTH、VO:Ryo、VO:ROY(Left to Right)
Formed in Kyoto in 2017.
In 2018, they held the artist's first live performance at Myokenji Temple in Kyoto, a historic temple built in the 1300s, to celebrate the first anniversary of their formation.
In November 2019, he was appointed "Kyoto Tourism Hospitality Ambassador" by the City of Kyoto, a position also held by a Japanese celebrity, and was later appointed "Kyoto Tourism Global Supporter" with the newly established mission to promote the "Kyoto Tourism Morale" abroad starting in August 2022.
They have also been a live streaming live on YouTube from the platform of Arashiyama Station on the Arashiyama Randen train line, which runs along Kyoto's world-famous Arashiyama, with the "Kimono Forest" of Arashiyama Station in the background, as well as live streaming of "special nighttime viewing" events at temples in Kyoto, guided by the temple priests, to the rest of the country.
They are also active as a tourism ambassador, using SNS to spread the word about the charms of Kyoto.
Released "KANON" in April 2020, which reached No. 8 on the weekly album chart.
In 2021, their full-length album "Synergy" was ranked No. 1 in 18 categories on iTunes, and the famous Japanese actor Yuki Ogoe starred in the music video for the song "Kirai".
In March 2020, "On Bended Knee / Boyz II Men" caught the attention of Boyz II Men members in their cover collection [WITHDOMOVIE], which have been available on YouTube since March 2020, and they praised his singing ability on Instagram and sent it out to the world, leading to his attracting worldwide attention.
They have also done official cover releases of songs by King Gnu, ORIGINAL LOVE, Yumi Matsutoya, Anri, and others.
YOASOBI's "Gunjo" released in November 2021 and Tatsuro Yamashita's "Ride on Time" released in July 2022 were featured in web news around the world, including Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, USA, Mexico, Germany, and France, attracting worldwide attention.
And two consecutive original songs, "Tetris" and "RIDE ON TIME," were selected for the J-POP power play on DJFM, an FM station in Surabaya, Indonesia, and reached the highest position of #5 and #2 on the J-POP weekly chart.
WITHDOM sang and SMOOTH wrote the lyrics to "We are," the image song for the Osaka Monorail's "EXPO TRAIN 2025 Osaka Monorail-go," the official design for the Osaka-Kansai Expo Association's wrap train announced on 11/7.
The song "We are" was sung by WITHDOM and written by SMOOTH. Many people from all over the world including China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, Poland, Peru, and other countries around the world participated in the recording of the chorus part, which was highly appreciated by Osaka Governor Yoshimura who was a guest at the departure ceremony.
The song was released digitally worldwide on December 9, 2023.
They have received high acclaim both in Japan and abroad for the quality of their music and their live performance ability, with "Escape," "Without you," and "Kotonoha" being long-time hits.
Their mini album "ANAGRAMS" made the Indonesian Album Chart Top 200 in January 2023, and the song "Blue" from their 5th full album "5:8" released on March 22, 2023, was used in a commercial for AbemaTV.
Also, "Universe," a song from the album, was selected for the J-POP power play on the FM station [DJFM] program "JK-POP" in Surabaya, Indonesia, for one month from March 24.
The album release tour was held in five cities (Kyoto, Fukuoka, Aichi, Tokyo, and Osaka), and all shows were SOLD OUT.
After the album release tour, on July 1 of the same year, "-PREMIUM LIVE- SUITS" Vol. 11, a one-man live concert with a live full band, was held at Ajisen Universe in Osaka, which boasts of its popularity and is always SOLD OUT.
The show, which was held in two parts with an intermission, was a great success, featuring the live performance of the full band, WITHDOM's original songs and cover songs, and a wide range of genres and sounds from ballads to rock, as well as WITHDOM's impressive singing ability.
On July 10, the 1st official cover album "Somesing else," which consolidates the official cover single series, was released.
The album includes "Hakujitsu" by King Gnu, whose popularity became unshakable with this song, "Gunjo" by YOASOBI, the most played artist in the world, "Ride on Time," a representative City Pop song by Tatsuro Yamashita, and "First Love," a ballad about a lost love that represents Hikaru Utada. The album is a collection of songs that are classic songs for all genres and ages.
The album includes eight songs, all arranged in WITHDOM's unique way, that are classics of any genre and any age.
The first two concerts, "-PREMIUM LIVE- SUITS Vol. 12" in Yokohama on November 23 and "-PREMIUM LIVE- SUITS Vol. 13" in Osaka on December 3, were both sold out in Kanto and Kansai.
The event ended with a great success, with the full band performing cover songs requested by fans and an impromptu corner, as is customary at "-PREMIUM LIVE- SUITS".
The first solo live "STARDOM" in 2024 will be held on January 27, 2024 at Zepp Namba in Osaka, and the band recently announced the release of 12 consecutive months of digital single releases starting January 15, 2024.
For the third of the 12 consecutive month digital single releases, the 7th anniversary single to be released on March 26, 2024 (Tuesday), the band's 7th anniversary, it was announced that Kaoru Kurosawa of Japan's leading vocal group Gospelers will compose and produce the vocals.
The medium-slow R&B sound and Kaoru Kurosawa's direct vocal and chorus work make this a must-hear, supreme love song expressing straight love!
In 2024, the four-member vocal performance group WITHDOM is expected to make great strides.